Donate Today!

Your Donation makes a Difference!

To Make a Donation:
Click the Donate Button to make an online recurring or one-time donation using a credit card or bank account 

OR you can donate using Venmo at HELP-BPSF or scan the Venmo QR code at the bottom of this page.

Donation tips:

You are can make a general donation or designate your donation can only be used for:
  • Emergency grants for community members
  • Emergency grants for Texas State students
  • Scholarships

Please consider covering the processing fees, allowing 100% of your donation to go directly to BPSF.

All donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. EIN 30-0622176. You will receive a receipt for your donation.

We greatly appreciate your support. Your donation to BPSF makes it possible for the Jeremy O. Torres Emergency Stabilization Fund to enable amazing emerging adults facing unexpected hurdles to pay rent, put gas in their car, pay medical bills, and purchase necessary tools to succeed in school. The award has been increased to $300 one-time, based on need!  And we have announced the Victor Saldivar Academic Scholarship! Starting in Fall 2024 we will provide opportunities to help local LGBTQIA+ students attending school in San Marcos or Hays County achieve their academic and career goals. We also provide paid internships, providing non-profit training experience for developing professionals and learning from them.  Through BPSF we convey a collective message that our local LGBTQIA+ members matter and are valued, and that there is a community who is EMPOWERING OUR RESILIENT COMMUNITY and is invested in seeing them thrive.

BPSF is on Venmo! 

Making a one-time donation is quick, easy, and fee-free!  

You can find us @Help-BPSF or use our QR code.