About Us

Our Mission

The Bobcat Pride Scholarship Fund is organized exclusively for charitable purposes, more specifically the BPSF Jeremy O. Torres Emergency Stabilization Fund provides monetary support to emerging adults (ages 18 to 25), who have minority sexual and gender identities (LGBTQIA+), residing in the Greater San Marcos area.  

Our Vision

BPSF recognizes people of all minority sexual and gender identities experience systemic oppression. Therefore, BPSF aspires to empower future societal contributions by helping these individuals address unforeseen financial barriers.

Inclusion Policy

BPSF values all board members, volunteers and applicants as unique individuals and welcomes the variety of experiences they bring to our organization. As such, BPSF does not practice, condone, facilitate, or collaborate with any form of discrimination. It is our intention to be an accessible, affirming, emotionally safe and respectful environment for all members of the BPSF community. We believe everyone should be treated equally and strive to provide quality services that are sensitive to and inclusive of diversity of all kinds including race, ethnicity, national origin, language of choice, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical ability.

Any board member, volunteer or client who believes that they or any other affiliate of BPSF has been discriminated against is strongly encouraged to report this concern promptly to the Executive Director or another board member.

Donor Impact Reports

The Board of Directors publishes our annual report each April at the end of our fiscal year. The fiscal integrity of BPSF has allowed us to support LGBTQIA+ emerging adults in the greater San Marcos area since 2010.

Meet our Board of Directors